Housewife Style

I’ll admit, I am a fan of the Housewives shows.  I enjoy taking a peek into other people’s homes and lives.  I’m also a fan of Hoarders, so I get both ends of the spectrum: shiny, gold spotless mansions and possum-ridden, trash-filled, smaller (usually) homes.  I’m curious about it all.  I guess I’m a voyeur at heart.

I was pleased to see a photo of Carolyn Manzo from RHW of NJ wearing a dress very similar to one that Diviine Modestee has designed and has available online and in our store.

Here’s Caroline on the left, looking fabulous in her red dress with a bow on the shoulder.  Plus, I really love her shoes!  In general I’m not a huge fan of Carolyn.  I think her advice is kind of bland and cliched.  But like all the Housewives, she has a fantastic dress-up wardrobe full of beautiful gowns and dresses.

Our dress, the Vanessa also sports a shoulder bow, which is initially what caught my eye when comparing these two dresses. 

The Vanessa, shown on the right ———–> has the similar bow on the shoulder.  It is also a red, but a much more universally flattering shade of red that we call ‘watermelon’.  Vanessa also adds a little more coverage with it’s cap-sleeves and added length.  Best of all though, is the horizontal bands that run down the length of the body of the dress.  These bands are so flattering and concealing of those lumps and bumps, which I am a pro at.  Lumps and bumps.  And knowing how to camouflage them.  We recently had a small focus group of women of various ages and sizes try this dress on and with it’s slimming cut and the bands, it was honestly flattering on everyone who tried it on and it seemed to have an ageless appeal.

I haven’t purchased this dress myself yet, but I tried it on and loved it.  But more importantly, if it gives me an excuse to track down some heels like Carolyn’s wearing (check out the link, these are cuter!) I won’t hesitate to buy it in a heartbeat.

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